Saturday, February 27, 2010

Gimme shelter

Another day working from home. Really? Really?

I tried to go to work. Why? Because I am a lemming of the American work ethic. I feel guilty for not showing up. So I nearly kill myself to get to my job.

I made it about ten minutes into my commute before I wisely decided to turn tail. It wasn't the roads I was scared of: it was other drivers. I showed up at my mom's in full-on tears. She showered me in hugs and reassurance and said, "want a waffle?" and everything was OK again. I did a little work from home, then crawled into my old bed and didn't move for two hours. Mom, you rock.

Hard to believe that we were in Boston a week ago.

I am more than happy to say goodbye to February. With that in mind, these are my goals for March:

1. Run my 5k in less than 33 minutes.
I know I can do it - but I need to push myself to do it. That means committing to running outdoors, learning the race route and continuing my runs at a consistent pace instead of lazing out.

2. Read more. I haven't leisure read in a while and that's a damn shame. I'm pretty bummed: JFK's book, Why England Slept, doesn't seem to be in any local library, and it's $50 on

3. Write. I am itching with inspiration, especially in light on visiting grandma. I don't know if I'll ever be brave enough to share, but I need to get back in the habit.

4. Cut back on Facebook and Twitter. I'm talking three times a week, tops. I spend wayyyyy too much time there. Instead, I'm gonna opt to spend time making a scrapbook for my trip in April.

5. Learn something new.
Maybe I should think about sewing. Since I seem to ruin my clothes a lot.

and lastly: 6. Enjoy my meals. I have been rushing breakfast more and more. Hate hate hate hate doing that. I don't taste my coffee. I'm wondering if I even like coffee anymore. I really don't know: it could just be the psychological fix. I have some things to think about: maybe I'll switch to tea.

Time for bed. Saturdays and Sundays.... the best days.

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