Sunday, February 28, 2010

SEE YA LATER, February.

Febraury is going... going... gone.

Thank God: worst month ever.

I'm revising my goal list for March and taking out "learning something new." I mean, there's plenty of room for discovery, but the best kind of discoveries are the ones you don't plan.

Which means I'll have the big 5 - a nice round number - to focus on this month.

After another 4 day weekend, I'm not looking forward to work, but I figure I'm going to attack Monday like it's no one's business. I'm talking a breakfast of rolled oats and coffee type of morning, an out-the-door before seven and checkin' emails by 8 kind of morning.

I know we're supposed to get "more inclement weather" this week, but I say this: here's to March. Here's to sunshine, skirt weather, sunglasses. To baseball (!), bike rides, to the first nice day at the boardwalk. Hang in there: we've got this.

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